Special Broadcast! Sasha Latypova Press Conference: DOD Control of Covid Vaccines

I was thrilled to be able to join this yesterday and broadcast it out; in true TPPP fashion I had a power outage just as it started, so the show starts about 20 mins in, but you'll catch up easily.

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Finally, something new! Well, mostly new- the signs were there before, but no one really put the pieces together before Sasha got the contracts and started digging into them. Sasha has been speaking about this during some of her recent interviews, which was how I got turned onto this in the first place. But I don’t believe the information has been put together quite like this before. There is some amazing information in this show that you probably haven’t heard before. Please watch the video embedded above. Katherine Watt is speaking when we jump in, then Sasha gives her presentation.

Did you ever wonder why soldiers were manning Covid testing sites and vaccine centers? I know I did, and now we know why. The DOD has been running this fiasco from the shadows. That’s why the testing of the product was virtually non-existent, why the general populace were the test subjects. That’s why they’ve ignored the signals of the VAERS reports and dismissed the doctors who questioned the narrative. That’s why the government censored social media and paid off main stream media. The government didn’t just purchase the poison death jabs from Big Pharma to distribute to the people out of the goodness of their hearts: they already owned it! And not just here in the states, but across the world.

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The DOD has been in charge of the Covid “vaccine” program from the get-go, the ultimate implications of which are mind-boggling. I had the privilege of contributing my opinion on the matter towards the end of the show, and meeting some new, interesting truth seekers in the process! A lot of puzzle pieces coalesced for me yesterday, which I will get into in greater detail in a future show. In the meantime I challenge y’all to watch the recent interviews that George Webb has given (that’s the name that escaped me during this show) and see if a bigger picture forms for you as well. He was recently on Dr. Ruby’s show, as well as a few others.

I am not unaware of the inside drama that surrounds this topic; I’ve listened to both sides and we’ve looked at the contracts ourselves. I believe the in-fighting going on is semantic. This information does not negate the desire to go after Big Pharma for their crimes; in fact, I believe it strengthens that desire. As they are criminally liable: their fraud, I believe, has already been proven time and again. But they are not the only ones; they are not the highest level of the evil pyramid. Rather, this information brought to light about the DOD gives us the bigger picture. We must know who the enemy is before we can fight them. And we must know what the ultimate objective is, both theirs and ours, before we can destroy them. Otherwise we are shooting into the wind and praying it doesn’t come back at us. This is not traditional, kinetic warfare. Information is our weapon; truth is our projectile and God is our armor. We can win this, together, if we stop fighting over stupid shit! There are plenty of targets available; we shouldn’t all pick the same one. We need to cut off all the heads of the hydra to win; no amnesty. This in-fighting only distracts us from our true purpose and the understanding that we are on the same side, fighting the same boogeyman in different forms. True understanding only comes when you weigh it against life, death, and the Kingdom. Don’t get distracted. Know your enemy and know your purpose. This information brings us closer to that knowledge.

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